29th January - 28th March 2024

FOR YOUR OWN PLANNING PURPOSES TO give you some ideas of what to do in class.

I have Applied for a couple of shows but still waiting to hear.


At Scott’s request, I have put in for JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR . If we got it, then I think conceivably there is enough work to share the project amongst STUDIO B/ SENIOR and possibly include Junior ( HOSANNA and CROWD) I would also consider the possibility of GENDER BLIND CASTING FOR SOME ROLES…. In light of everything that is happening in the Middle East at the moment, I think we could take this into a modern context. … just a thought… without changing the story obviously…. but I don’t see why we cannot have girls playing disciples . Still would obviously like Jesus as Male defining and Mary as female defining though.

Have a think. Of course we haven’t got the rights yet, but I really enjoyed dancing around the living room to it the other day!

I think that STUDIO X/ ELEGERIE would need an a different project and ( if MATILDA was unavailable), something like THE LITTLE PRINCESS, which has loads of female roles would be great. More of an acting focus there too, with more believable characters as opposed to SHREK. I am however happy for all considerations. THE LITTLE PRINCESS is a 75 minute piece.

I have ordered some pieces for STUDIO B/ and X ACTORS

There is a piece called 100 things I never said to you, which seems like a good project. Just heard from ORIGIN however that the scripts are not available and might take between 3-6 weeks with shipping to arrive. The author is Szymkowicz so might see if we can find it online somewhere. There is another good play called BRAINSTORM that might be appropriate for the Studio X kids. In these earlier planning stages though as you prepare your classwork, I think realism would be a great place to start, but also working on clarity.

I was also toying with the idea of an ANYWHERE experience with Studio B even though there is no festival here. There is however the Brisbane fringe later in the year, so we could work something and put on in May to have it ready to go. Just a thought.

STAGE AND SCREEN Thursday class should focus on film this term, as Studio B is not and it makes better sense. So teachers of this class, could find material for self takes and scene work, off camera reads as well.

SPEECH AND DRAMA, I think could be working on small scene work for this term. Riley has in the past got a play together and we might know more once we meet the group.

All ideas are accepted and given due thought.

Obviously you are the teachers of these classes and collaboratively we can really do some wonderful work.