Born for the Stage
I’d be a rich lady for every time I’ve heard that phrase throughout my 35 years of directing. BORN FOR THE STAGE…… but is it true? Some children are certainly born with big voices….. rich and booming before their time. Perfect Pitch and tuneful souls that can pick a melody up and repeat it long after the radio is turned off. Other kids seem to jump into splits and do backflips without any provocation while there are others that command your presence with their comic timing. Then there are those kids who are introduced to a love of language…. the readers, who feast on words and consequently can spit them out in rapid fire eloquence.
It is therefore arguable how many are “born to it” and how many have been encouraged in those early years, to use their innate ability and turn it into something quite unique and wonderful. Sure a person can from early years have a melodic, pitch perfect voice, but without the inspiration and encouragement to sing, it will fail to fall on any ear, and eventually become silent. Similarly the flexible child twisting into contortions will get just as stiff and unbending as age sets in without movement, and many a class clown and natural comedian have found their way to the Principal’s office because they have not had an avenue for their comedic flair. The opportunities that parents and care givers provide therefore, have a great influence on how our innate abilities are shaped and developed.
Discovering your child’s unique gifts can be life changing. Many times over the years I have encountered parents who don’t know what to do with their incredibly “theatrical child”. Their child’s passion seems alien to them, but they recognise the need to do something so to channel their child’s interests. Then there are the parents who love the performing arts themselves and automatically believe it would be perfect for their child. This doesn’t always equate with a successful union. Just because Mum or Dad might have been reciting Shakespeare at 12, it doesn’t mean that their youngster will be so inclined. Even siblings can have vastly different areas of interest and although one sister might find improvisation inspiring, the athletic one might sprint to Maryborough at the mere thought of giving an unprepared speech. The intertwining of nature and nurture is still very much the case with the performing arts. As a child matures, talent needs to be supported by interest, extension, resilience and plain old hard work. Without the latter the “born for the stage” child will inevitably falter.
It is obvious that there are many confident youngsters out there; vivacious individuals who seem at ease in front of people. The world is their oyster and school orals will be right up their alley. Channeling their unique skills is of course what BYTES and performing arts classes do. Equally important however, is the awakening of a young person’s creativity. Allowing time for the seed to burst open through unscheduled perfect play, is crucial to a young person’s development. Over scheduling young children most certainly can have the opposite effect, with kids becoming tired, over awed and uninspired. Children, particularly under 5 need free play. Nothing can be better than a dress up box or a sand pit for developing all those wonderful creative responses and when they are ready for more……. give us a call.